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  1. Joanna Anderson
  2. Kristina Brown
  3. Elizabeth Chagnon
  4. Sylvia Eboigbe
  5. Jessie Gorges
  6. Taylor Holubar
  7. Nathali Immelman
  8. Seung Kyung Kim
  9. Lin Lin
  10. Heather N. Mainard
  11. Tylar Martinez
  12. Anondah Saide
  13. Megan Tapia
  14. Ashlee Welsh
  15. Sining Wu
Affiliated institutions: University of Virginia, Center For Open Science

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Category: Project

Description: Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using high-powered designs and original materials when available.

License: CC0 1.0 Universal

Reproducibility Project: Psychology | Discussion
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Type: Research
Status: Completed


Estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological Science

Open Science Collaboration

Abstract: Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using high-powered designs and original materials when available. Replicatio…


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Estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological Science

Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 1...

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Replication of Correll (2008, JPSP, Study 2)

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Replication of Albarracín et al. (2008, JPSP)

Frank, Kim & Lee

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Replication of Risen & Gilovich (2008, JPSP)

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Replication of Palmer & Ghose (2008, PS)

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Replication of Eastwick & Finkel (2008, JPSP)

Selterman, Chagnon & Mackinnon

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Replication of Farrell (2008, JEP:LMC, Study 2) | Forked: 2013-08-25 22:17 UTC

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Replication of Ersner-Hershfield et al. (2008, JPSP, Study 2)

A replication of Hershfield et al.'s finding that being reminded that experiences are coming to an end produce more mixed emotions.

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Replication of Hajcak & Foti (2008, PS, Study 1) | Forked: 2013-06-19 19:55 UTC

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Replication of K Oberauer (2008, JEPLMC 34(3), Exp 3)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of CJ Soto, OP John, SD Gosling, J Potter (2008, JPSP 94(4))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of CJ Berry, DR Shanks, RN Henson (2008, JEPLMC 34(1), Exp 1)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of Lemay and Clark (2008, JPSP 95(4), Exp 5)

Marigold, Forest & Anderson
COS collected materials, independent researcher collect data

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Replication of Tracy and Robins (2008, JPSP, Exp 4)

Part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology; independent replication of Tracy & Robins 2008 study "The nonverbal expression of pride: Evidence...

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Replication of BC Storm, EL Bjork, RA Bjork (2008, JEPLMC 34(1), Exp 1)

Independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology

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Replication of JI Campbell, ND Robert (2008, JEPLMC 34(3), Exp 3)

Ricker & Saide
This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of MJ Yap, DA Balota, CS Tse, D Besner (2008, JEPLMC 34(3), Exp 4)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of A Roelofs (2008, JEPLMC 34(2), Exp 3)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of S Forti, GW Humphreys (2008, PS 19(1))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of JR Crosby, B Monin, D Richardson (2008, PS 19(3))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of M Koo, A Fishbach (2008, JPSP 94(2), Exp. 4)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of D Ganor-Stern, J Tzelgov (2008, JEPLMC 34(2), Exp. 2)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of S O'Malley, MG Reynolds, JA Stolz, D Besner (2008, JEPLMC 34(2))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of Vul & Pashler (Psych Science, 2008)

High powered, pre-registered replication study of the crowd within effect (Vul & Pashler, 2008), reported in Steegen, S., Dewitte, L., Tuerlinck...

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Replication of WA Cunningham, JJ Van Bavel, IR Johnsen (2008, PS 19(2))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of N Janssen, FX Alario, A Caramazza (2008, PS 19(3), Exp. 2)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of CS Dodson, J Darragh, A Williams (2008, JEPLMC 34(3), Exp. 3)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of E van Dijk, GA van Kleef, W Steinel, I van Beest (2008, JPSP 94(4), Exp. 3)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of J Zaki, N Bolger, K Ochsner (2008, PS 19(4))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of Liefooghe, Barrouillet, Vandierendonck, & Camos (2008, JEPLMC, Experiment 4)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of AW Kruglanski, A Pierro (2008, PS 19(3))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of SL Murray, JL Derrick, S Leder, JG Holmes (2008, JPSP 94(3), Exp. 8)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of TJ Pleskac (2008, JEPLMC 34(1))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of EJ Masicampo, RF Baumeister (2008, PS 19(3))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of SJ Heine, EE Buchtel, A Norenzayan (2008, PS 19(4), exp 1)

Independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology

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Replication of LS Colzato, MT Bajo, W van den Wildenberg, D Paolieri, S Nieuwenhuis, W La Heij, B Hommel (2008, JEPLMC 34(2), Exp. 3)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of LN Jefferies, D Smilek, E Eich, JT Enns (2008, PS 19(3))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of G Tabibnia, AB Satpute, MD Lieberman (2008, PS 19(4))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of C Farris, TA Treat, RJ Viken, and RM McFall (2008, PS 19(4))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of JE Marsh, F Vachon, DM Jones (2008, JEPLMC 34(1))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of GP Lau, AC Kay, SJ Spencer (2008, PS 19(1))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of J Förster, N Liberman, & S Kuschel (2008, JPSP, Study 1)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of DR Addis, AT Wong, DL Schacter (2008, PS 19(1))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of DA Stinson, C Logel, MP Zanna, JG Holmes, JJ Cameron, JV Wood, SJ Spencer (2008, JPSP 94(3), Exp. 2)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of Weidemann, Huber, and Shiffrin (2008, JEPLMC, Exp 4)

Materials are collected by COS. Data collection done by independent researcher.

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Replication of E Harmon-Jones, C Harmon-Jones, M Fearn, JD Sigelman, P Johnson (2008, JPSP 94(1), Exp. 2)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of L Demany, W Trost, M Serman, C Semal (2008, PS 19(1), Exp. 5)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of M Tamir, C Mitchell, JJ Gross (2008, PS 19(4))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of GA Alvarez, A Oliva (2008, PS 19(4), Exp. 3)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of T Kraljic, AG Samuel, SE Brennan (2008, PS 19(4))

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of SM McCrea (2008, JPSP 95(2), Exp. 5)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of Rule & Ambady (2008, PS, Study 1)

Rule and Ambady (2008) showed that naïve college undergraduates’ assessment of features of Fortune 500 CEO’s faces correlated with company profits. Sp...

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Replication of Ratliff (Ranganath) & Nosek, 2008, Psych Science | Forked: 2014-03-04 15:21 UTC

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Replication of Morris and Still (2008)

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Replication of Schmidt and Besner (2008, JEPLMC, Exp 2)

Direct replication of Schmidt & Besner, 2008. Materials and preliminary work collected by COS team, data collected by researchers outside of COS.

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Replication of N Halevy, G Bornstein, L Sagiv (2008, PS 19(4))

Thomae, Wood & Immelman
This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of K Fiedler (2008, JEPLMC, Exp 2)

Materials collected by COS, data collection done by independent researcher.

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Replication of D Albarracín, IM Handley, K Noguchi, KC McCulloch, H Li, J Leeper, RD Brown, A Earl, WP Hart (2008, JPSP 95(3), Exp. 7)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Secondary Replication of V Purdie-Vaughns, CM Steele, PG Davies, R Ditlmann, JR Crosby (2008, JPSP 94(4), Exp. 3)

This is an independent secondary replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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Replication of CR Cox, J Arndt, T Pyszczynski, J Greenberg, A Abdollahi, S Solomon (2008, JPSP 94(4), Exp. 6)

This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.

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