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Welcome to UBC Okangan's OSF template.
This template is a starting point to get participants familiar with some of the core functions of the OSF platform.
Different areas of research and different researchers each have their own project workflows and management needs. This template reflects a very basic research structure, assuming their will be:
- an analysis of the literature;
- a set of methods to record;
- data collection;
- and analysis of this data.
For a research project, one may wish to include a diagrammatic representation of their project to quickly grasp scope:
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Open Science
The Open Science Framework
- Center for Open Science YouTube Channel
- OSF 101 Webinar on YouTube
- General OSF help resources
- COS Reproducible Research and Statistics Training
The "Reproducibility Crisis" and related literature
- A manifesto for reproducible science - Munafo et al. 2017.
- What does research reproducibility mean? - Goodman et al. 2016.
- Replicability and reproducibility in comparative psychology - Stevens, 2017
- Researcher degrees of freedom - Simmons et al. 2011
- Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience - Button et al. 2013.
- Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets? - Prinz et al. 2011.
- Why most published research findings are false - Ionnidis, 2005.
OSF at academic institutions
Registered reports
- Instructions on how to register your OSF project
- OSF registry search page
- Ecology example, study on flowering phenology
Reproducibility efforts
OSF Project Templates
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Reproducibility Project: Psychology
Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology