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Replication Studies  /

  1. Fraser Aird
  2. Irawati Kandela
  3. Christine Mantis
Affiliated institutions: Center For Open Science

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Category: Project

Description: Replication of "BET bromodomain inhibition as a therapeutic strategy to target c-Myc”. Includes information to prepare the replication experiments. Includes data, code, and digital materials from completed replication experiments.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

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Type: Individual replications
Status: Fully completed


Replication Study: BET bromodomain inhibition as a therapeutic strategy to target c-Myc


In 2015, as part of the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology, we published a Registered Report (Kandela et al., 2015), that described how we intended to replicate selected experiments from the paper "BET bromodomain inhibition as a therapeutic strategy to target c-Myc" (Delmore et al., 2011). H…


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bromodomain inhibitormetasciencemyelomareplicationreproducibilityReproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

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