**Digital Libraries User Personas Best Practices**
[During the 2016 DLF Forum many ideas, projects, and goals were discussed about where to take the working group into 2017][1]. Many folks vocalized wanting resources, tools and instruments to identify user needs, expectations, conduct usability tests, and do user outreach.
At our December 2016 monthly meeting the UX working group met and decided to focus 2017 efforts on identifying user needs and expectations and focus work would focus on gathering digital library user personas across libraries, museums, and archives to build a best practice for personas creation. The output would be a digital libraries personas best practices web resource.
To take part in this project reach out via our [Google Group listserv][2] or [Slack][3].
[1]: http://bit.ly/2iF1mS6
[2]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dlf-aig-ux-working-group
[3]: https://dlfaigux.slack.com