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Q&A zoom session: Tuesday, Sep 8, 10:30AM London time (GMT+1).

What mechanisms are involved in the licensing of NPIs? The so-called free choice occurrences of NPIs have provided a fertile ground for comparing different theories of NPI licensing, where the required assumptions of the theories come into a sharp relief. Focusing on some new data involving plurality, we argue for a two-layered approach (which we call "the direct approach" in the talk) that assumes both a condition on NPI licensing (which can be derived from specific assumptions about NPIs) and a strengthening mechanism (exhaustification). Unfortunately, though by necessity, many issues and further points of comparison between the different theories cannot be attended to in the talk.

Structure of the talk:

  1. The stage
  2. The argument
  3. Variation and outlook

Related recent work:

Selected further references:

Bar-Lev, Moshe & Danny Fox. Free choice, simplification, and Innocent Inclusion.

Chierchia, Gennaro. 2004. Scalar implicatures, polarity phenomena and the syntax/pragmatics interface.

Chierchia, Gennaro. 2013. Logic in Grammar.

Crnic, Luka. 2014. Non-monotonicity in NPI Licensing.

Crnic, Luka. 2017. Free choice under ellipsis.

Dayal, Veneeta. 1998. ANY as Inherently Modal.

Dayal, Veneeta. 2013. A Viability Constraint on Alternatives for Free Choice.

Kadmon, Nirit & Fred Landman. 1992. Any.

Lahiri, Utpal. 1998. Focus and Negative Polarity in Hindi.

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