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Relevant Studies and Publications
Anderson, R. (2016). Why are there virtually no mandatory open access policies at American universities? Learned Publishing 29(3), 215-218.
Armbruster, C. (2011). Open access policy implementation: First results compared. Learned Publishing 24(4), 311-324.
Awre, C., Beeken, A., Jones, B., Stainthorp, P., & Stone, G. (2016). Communicating the open access policy landscape. Insights 29(2), 126-132.
Cantrell, M., & Johnson, A. (2018). Engaged Citizenship through Campus-Level Democratic Processes: A Librarian and Graduate Student Collaboration on Open Access Policy Adoption. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 6(2), eP2229.
Duranceau, E. F., & Kriegsman, S. (2016). Campus open access policy implementation models and implications for IR services. In B. B. Callicott, D. Scherer, & A. Wesolek (Eds.), Making Institutional Repositories Work (pp. 87-106). Charleston insights in library, archival, and information sciences. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press. Retrieved from
Duranceau, E. F., & Kriegsman, S. (2013). Implementing open access policies using institutional repositories. In P. Bluh, C. Hepfer, & M. L. Ramírez (Eds.), The Institutional Repository: Benefits and Challenges (pp. 81-105). ALCTS papers on library technical services and collections 18. Chicago: Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, American Library Association. Retrieved from
Emmett, A., & Peterson, T. (2010). Achieving consensus on the University of Kansas open-access policy. Research Library Issues 269, 5-7. Retrieved from
Emmett, A., Stratton, J., Peterson, A. T., Church-Duran, J., & Haricombe, L. (2011). Toward open access: It takes a village. Journal of Library Administration 51(5/6), 557-579.
Fruin, C., & Sutton, S. (2016). Strategies for success: Open access policies at North American educational institutions. College & Research Libraries 77(4), 469-499.
Gadd, E., Fry, J., & Creaser, C. (2018). The influence of journal publisher characteristics on open access policy trends. Scientometrics, 115(3), 1371–1393.
Gilbert, J., Kinger, M., & Kullman, L. (2011). Implementing an open access policy at Chalmers Institute of Technology. IATUL Annual Conference Proceedings 21, 1-9. Retrieved from
Harnad, S. (2015). Open access: What, where, when, how and why. In J. Britt Holbrook & C. Mitcham (Eds.), Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: An International Resource. Farmington Hills MI, MacMillan Reference.
Harnad, S. (2015). Optimizing open access policy. The Serials Librarian, 69(2), 133-141.
Kern, B., & Wishnetsky, S. (2014). Adopting and implementing an open access policy: The library’s role. Serials Librarian 66(1-4), 196-203.
Kipphut-Smith, S., Boock, M., Chapman, K., & Hooper, M. W. (2018). Measuring Open Access Policy Compliance: Results of a Survey. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 6(1), eP2247.
Kipphut-Smith, S. (2014). Engaging in a campus-wide conversation about open access. Texas Library Journal 90(2), 70-71.
Kipphut-Smith, S. (2014). “Good enough”: Developing a simple workflow for open access policy implementation. College & Undergraduate Libraries 21(3/4), 279-294.
Ludwig, D. (2010). Open access at the University of Kansas: Toward a campus initiative. College & Research Libraries News 71(7), 360-363, 384.
Miller, J. (2011). Open access and liberal arts colleges: Looking beyond research institutions. College & Research Libraries News 72(1), 16-30.
Mullen, L.B. & Otto, J.J. (2014). Open Access policymaking: Roles for academic librarians as "change agents" in research institutions. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries,1, 295-307.
Mullen, L. B., & Otto, J.J. (2015). The Rutgers Open Access Policy: Implementation planning for success. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 4, 207–217.
Otto, J.J.(2016). A resonant message: Aligning scholar values and open access objectives in OA policy outreach to faculty and graduate students.Journal of Librarianship and Scholarship Communication, 4.
Otto, J.J. & Mullen, L.B.(2017). The Rutgers Open Access Policy goes into effect: Faculty reaction and implementation lessons learned.Library Management (in press).
Priest, E. (2012). Copyright and the Harvard Open Access Mandate. Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property. 10(7), 377.
Schiff, L. (2016). The UC publication management system: Fulfilling the promise of UC’s open access policies. Application for the 2016 Larry L. Sautter Award for Innovation in Information Technology. Retrieved from
Shieber, S. (2009, June 30). University open-access policies as mandates [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Shieber, S., and Suber P. (2012 to present). Good Practices for University Open-Access Policies [book, regularly updated].
Smith, K. (2012). Why open access? The policy environment and process on one university campus. Insights 25(3), 246-250.
Soper, D. (2017). On passing an open access policy at Florida State University: From outreach to implementation. College & Research Libraries News, 78(8), 432. doi:
Suber, P. (2009, February 2). OA policy options for funding agencies and universities, SPARC Open Access Newsletter.
Suber, P. (2012). Open Access, MIT Press. Especially Chapter 4 on Policies . Also see the updates and supplements to Chapter 4.
Suber, P. (2008, April 2). Three principles for university open access policies, SPARC Open Access Newsletter.
Swan, A., Gargouri, Y., Hunt, M., & Harnad, S. (2015). Open access policy: Numbers, analysis, effectiveness. Pasteur4OA Workpackage 3 Report.
Vandegrift, M., & Colvin, G. (2012). Relational communications. College & Research Libraries News 73(7), 386-389.
Vincent-Lamarre, P., Boivin, J., Gargouri, Y., Larivière, V., & Harnad, S. (2016). Estimating open access mandate effectiveness: The MELIBEA score. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (in press).
Wesolek, A. (2014). Bridging the gap between Digital Measures and Digital Commons in support of open access: Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love human mediation. Collection Management 39(1), 32-42.
Wesolek, A., & Royster, P. (2015). Open-Access Policies: Basics and impact on content recruitment. In B. B. Callicott, D. Scherer, & A. Wesolek (Eds.), Making Institutional Repositories Work (pp. 55-68). Charleston insights in library, archival, and information sciences. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press. Retrieved from
Xia, J., Gilchrist, S. B., Smith, N. X. P., Kingery, J. A., Radecki, J. R., Wilhelm, R. L., Harrison, K. C., Ashby, M. L., & Mahn, A. J. (2012). A review of open access self-archiving mandate policies. portal: Libraries and the Academy 12(1), 85-102.
Zhang, H., Boock, M., & Wirth, A. A. (2015). It takes more than a mandate: Factors that contribute to increased rates of article deposit to an institutional repository. Retrieved from
For a list of other publications that contain recommendations for university OA policies, see:
- the Harvard Open Access Project wiki:
- the PASTEUR4OA project:
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