<h2>Files and documents</h2>
On this page, you can find all files and documents associated with the analyses in the article. You can use these files to reproduce all analyses reported in the paper.
- For an overview of the results, open "analysis.pdf"
- For the R code used in the analysis, open "analysis.Rmd"
- The data used for the analyses are in the folder "data" (two .csv-files)
- Item formulations and variables codes can be found in the PDF "item formulations.pdf".
<h2>Reproducing the analyses</h2>
To reproduce all analyses, download all files into one local folder and control for the following:
- R, Rstudio are installed
- All R-packages that are used in the code are installed and up-to-date
Then proceed with the following steps:
- Download all materials and put them into one folder.
- Open "analysis.rmd"
- Set the working directory to the root folder
- Knit the analyses (creates a html-file).
<h2>Full paper</h2>
The paper can be found here:
[1]: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2056305116634368