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**Original Study Aim:** In this study, we tested the effects of fear on consumer behaviors. **Background:** Individuals tend to satisfy their assimilation needs by purchasing products that bear a specific group identity. Such products might be preferred when an individual is threatened because fear and anxiety increase affiliative needs. In contrast, individuals might be more attracted to unique-design products when they feel less fearful and anxious. **Participants:** This dataset includes 83 participants (59% female) between the ages of 18 and 29 (M = 20.18, SD = 1.88). **Emotions:** In this study, we elicited fear and neutral states. **Physiological Signals:** We measured the psychophysiological reactivity to emotional stimuli using ECG, EDA, SBP, DBP, CO, and TPR signals. We also collected participants' valence. **Elicitation Methods:** To elicit fear and neutral states, we used validated and reliable film clips selected from emotion-eliciting video clip databases. Each clips’ montage lasted for 3 minutes 41 seconds. The film clips were short excerpts from commercially available films: for fear 1) The Blair Witch Project (the characters die in an abandoned house); 2) A Tale of Two Sisters (the clip begins with suspense and ends with an intense explosion); for neutral states: 1) The lover (The character walks around town); 2) Blue (A woman rides up on an escalator, carrying a box). **Dataset Structure:** This directory contains 249 CSV files (three per participant) with psychophysiological information for particular subjects. Name of each of these CSV files follows a consistent naming convention, "S<study_id>_P<participant_id>_<phase_name>.csv”, where “S” stands for study, “P” for participants, and “<study_id>” & “<particpant_id>” are natural numbers indicating study and participant unique identifiers; and “<phase_name>” is the name of the phase of an experiment, including ‘Baseline', 'Fear2', 'Neutral10'. All psychophysiological signals recorded during the experiment for each individual are available in a single CSV datafile named “ S<study_id>_P<participant_id>_All.csv”. The description of all experimental-phase labels is explained in the metadata spreadsheet. **For more details, see our paper:** Drążkowski, D., Behnke, M., Kaczmarek, L. D., (2021) I am afraid to buy this! Manipulating with consumer's anxiety and self-construal. *PLOS One, 16*: e0256483
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