- The "data" folder contains the merged EMG dataset as a csv file ("emg_data.csv"), as well as summary EMG data from Eskes et al. (2017).
- The "figures" folder contains the publication-quality version of the figures included in the main manuscript (in .tiff format).
- The "manuscript" folder contains the paper, written in RMarkdown (the .Rmd file). This file contains the content of the paper (the text) but also all reproducible statistical analyses (in R). For convenience, this folder also contains a .pdf version of the paper.
- The "scripts_experiment" folder contains the OpenSesame file that we used to program and run the experiment.
- The "shiny_application" folder contains the code for the shiny application discussed in our manuscript.
- The "signal_processing" folder contains the Matlab and R srripts we used to process the EMG signals ("emg_processing.R")
- The "supplementary_materials" folder contains the supplementary materials, written in RMarkdown (the .Rmd file). For convenience, this folder also contains a .pdf version of the supplementary materials.