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**Original Study Aim:** In this study, we tested whether positive and negative emotions boost or inhibit enthusiastic responses to partners’ success. **Background:** When individuals communicate enthusiasm for good events in their partners’ lives, they contribute to a high-quality relationship, a phenomenon termed interpersonal capitalization. However, little is known when individuals are more ready to react enthusiastically. To address this gap, we examined the influence of positive and negative emotions on enthusiastic responses to partners’ capitalization attempts. **Participants:** This dataset includes 199 participants (51% female) between the ages of 18 and 33 (M = 22.38, SD = 2.61). **Emotions:** In this study, we elicited amusement, anger, and neutral states. **Physiological Signals:** We measured the psychophysiological reactivity to emotional stimuli using ECG, EDA, SBP, DBP, CO, and TPR signals. We also collected participants' valence. **Elicitation Methods:** To elicit amusement, anger, and neutral states, we used validated and reliable film clips selected from emotion-eliciting video clip databases. Each film clip lasted for 2 minutes. The film clips were short excerpts from commercially available films: for amusement 1) A fish called Wanda (Surprisingly, the homeowners get inside and discover Archie dancing while naked); 2) The visitors (Visitors damage the letter carrier's car); 3) When Harry met Sally (Sally pretends to have an orgasm in a restaurant); for anger: 1) American History X (A neo-nazi kills Blackman's by smashing his head on the curb); 2) Man bites dog (A hitman pulls out a gun, yelling at an elderly woman); 3) In the name of the father (Interrogation scene); for neutral states: 1) Blue (A man organizes the drawers in his desk, or a woman walks down an alley); 2) Blue (The character passes a piece of aluminum foil through a car window); 3) The Last Emperor (Conversation between the Emperor and his teacher). **Dataset Structure:** This directory contains 995 CSV files (five per participant) with psychophysiological information for particular subjects. Name of each of these CSV files follows a consistent naming convention, "S<study_id>_P<participant_id>_<phase_name>.csv”, where “S” stands for study, “P” for participants, and “<study_id>” & “<particpant_id>” are natural numbers indicating study and participant unique identifiers; and “<phase_name>” is the name of the phase of an experiment, including ‘Baseline', 'Amusement2', 'Amusement3', 'Amusement4', 'Anger1', 'Anger2', 'Anger3', 'Neutral1', 'Neutral6', 'Neutral7'. All psychophysiological signals recorded during the experiment for each individual are available in a single CSV datafile named “ S<study_id>_P<participant_id>_All.csv”. The description of all experimental-phase labels is explained in the metadata spreadsheet. **For more details, see our paper:** Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Behnke, M., Matuła, E., Dziekan, M., Enko, J., Kosakowski, M., Guzik, P., (2021). Positive emotions boost enthusiastic responsiveness to capitalization attempts. Dissecting self-report, physiology, and behavior, *Journal of Happiness Studies*,
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