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**Original Study Aim:** In this study, we tested how high-approach and low-approach positive emotions influence cardiovascular recovery speed, testing the buffering effect of positive emotions. Background: Positive affect has been related to protective function against the effects of negative emotions and stress. Although the family of positive affective states is diverse, no study examined whether high-approach positive affect (e.g., desire) has a different impact on peripheral physiological processes than more frequently studied low-approach positive affect (e.g., amusement). **Participants:** This dataset includes 186 participants (53% female) between the ages of 19 and 30 (M = 21.96, SD = 2.30). **Emotions:** In this study, we elicited high- and low approach positive emotions, anger, threat and neutral states. **Physiological Signals:** We measured the psychophysiological reactivity to emotional stimuli using ECG, EDA, Temp, SBP, DBP, CO, and TPR signals. We also collected participants' approach/avoidance motivation. **Elicitation Methods:** In order to elicit positive emotions, we selected pictures from Nencki Affective Pictures System that were one standard deviation above the mean for the valence of pictures in the database. We categorized them as high- and low approach positive pictures and neutral pictures. With the pilot study, we found that positive pictures elicited more positive valence than neutral pictures and that high- and low approach differed in approach motivation. We used speech preparation tasks to elicit threat and anger. **Dataset Structure:** This directory contains 744 CSV files (four per participant) with psychophysiological information for particular subjects. Name of each of these CSV files follows a consistent naming convention, "S<study_id>_P<participant_id>_<phase_name>.csv”, where “S” stands for study, “P” for participants, and “<study_id>” & “<particpant_id>” are natural numbers indicating study and participant unique identifiers; and “<phase_name>” is the name of the phase of an experiment, including ‘Baseline', 'Neutral8', 'Positive_Emotion_High_Approach', 'Positive_Emotion_Low_Approach', ‘Anger4’, 'Threat'. All psychophysiological signals recorded during the experiment for each individual are available in a single CSV datafile named “ S<study_id>_P<participant_id>_All.csv”. The description of all experimental-phase labels is explained in the metadata spreadsheet. **For more details, see our paper:** Kaczmarek L.D., Behnke, M., Enko, J., Kosakowski, Dziekan, M., Hughes, B.M., Piskorski, J., M., Guzik, P., (2019). High-approach and low-approach positive affect influence physiological responses to threat and anger. *International Journal of Psychophysiology*, 138, 27-37.
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