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Description: Artificial intelligence is being increasingly utilized in higher education learning environments, including algorithmic writing technologies such as text generation, real time captioning, and machine translation. One aspect of these technologies yet to be considered is their ethical implications with regards to teaching and learning. In this project, we work at the vanguard of artificial intelligence learning technologies with a Universal Design for Learning framework. The primary question that guides this research is: What are the ethical implications of artificial intelligence technologies for teaching, learning, and assessment? Our research a mixed methods study, comprised of a modified Turing-test scenario within a survey as well as qualitative interviews. Having knowledge about the capabilities and ethical implications of artificial intelligence technologies will help educators develop ethical and accessible teaching practices to benefit student learning outcomes.


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Project Description

Artificial intelligence is being increasingly utilized in higher education learning environments, including algorithmic writing technologies such as text generation, real time captioning, and machine translation. One aspect of these technologies yet to be considered is their ethical implications with regards to teaching and learning. In this project, we work at the vanguard of…


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academic integrityartificial intelligencehigher educationteaching and learning

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