# Welcome to the DAN Lab's OSF
The Developmental Affective Neuroscience (DAN) Lab is home to scientists who conduct research on emotional development and associated neurobiology. Our research focuses on the process of development itself and how early experiences impact emotional behavior and brain development. Dr. Nim Tottenham is the Principal Investigator of the lab. Students in the laboratory work on projects covering a wide range of topics including neurobiological correlates of early adversity, emotion regulation, face processing, and temperament.
In the Wiki Pages on the left, you will find basic information about our studies and miscellaneous resources regarding open science.
**[Click here][1]** to learn more about how to use OSF.
**[Click here][2]** to navigate to our lab website.
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TV21gOzfhw&feature=emb_logo&t=8s
[2]: https://danlab7.wixsite.com/mysite