Here you can find files used for the current version of Age IAT on the PI Germany site.
For the IAT task,
Alt stimuli are: of1.jpg of2.jpg of3.jpg om1.jpg om2.jpg om3.jpg
Jung stimuli are: yf1.jpg yf4.jpg yf5.jpg ym2.jpg ym3.jpg ym5.jpg
Gut stimuli are: "Glücklich", "Frieden", "Vergnügen", "Prachtvoll", "Liebe", "Lachen", "Freude"
Schlecht stimuli are: "Qual", "Verletzt", "Misserfolg", "Böse", "Übel", "Schrecklich", "Grausam", "Scheußlich"
The experiment procedure has been changed over years.
You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.