This repository holds all relevant material (scripts, example data, documentation) to reproduce the EEG analysis pipeline published and discussed in the manuscript:
Muehlroth BE, Werkle- Bergner M. Understanding the interplay of sleep and aging: Methodological challenges. Psychophysiology. 2020;57(3):e13523. https ://
The pipeline ist structured in the following way:
1. General preprocessing (including artefact rejection)
2. Spectral analysis
3. Slow oscillation detection
4. Spindle detection
Scripts are ordered chronologically based on their execution. m-scripts were executed using Matlab R2014b (Mathworks Inc., Sherbom, MA), R-scripts using RStudio 1.0.53 (RStudio, Inc., Boston, MA).
A detailed description of the pipeline, all data files, and scripts can be found under Documentation.
**Please note:**
**This code and the documentation files are companion to the paper:**
***Muehlroth BE, Werkle- Bergner M. Understanding the interplay of sleep and aging: Methodological challenges. Psychophysiology. 2020;00:e13523. https ://***
**which should be cited for academic use of the provided material.**