The following was the plan to research in studies 1 and 2:
> In summary, the purpose of the present research is twofold: (a) to
> investigate whether the sex difference in jealousy identified in
> younger samples persists over the lifespan and hence would be found in
> an older sample, and (b) to investigate, separately for men and for
> women, whether younger people differ from older people in their
> selection of the more distressing infidelity scenario.
Because of our exploratory findings on the moderation with age in Study 2, we now expect the following:
Study 3: - We do not expect sex differences in our older (community) sample
Study 4: - We expect sex differences in our younger MTurk participants
Study 4: - We do not expect sex differences in our older MTurk participants (and thus replicating Study 3)
Study 4: - We expect this moderation effect to be explained by the mediation via SOI