The scripts in this component are used to process the raw Dutch and English semantic relatedness data, and the Towers of Hanoi data, from the [Raw data][1] component.
To process the raw data, download all of the files in this component, as well as the primingSR.csv, testingSR.csv and ToH.csv files from the [Raw data][1] component. Open mainProcessingScript.R and read the step-by-step instructions, then run the script step-by-step. Parts of the script will ask you to open other files from this project or files that are created during the processing. These files can also be found as sheets in the [experimentOverview.xlsx][2] file.
N.B. The demographics_edited.csv file in this component is identical to the demographics_edited.csv file in the [Processed data][3] component. It contains the demographics data for the included participants only.