### Analysis repository for: Evolutionary walks through flower color space driven by gene expression in Petunia and allies (Petunieae)
#### Folders information
**additional_raw_data** - contains raw data files not uploaded to the SRA, including HPLC peak tables and text file chromatograms
**dataset_summary_statistics** - contains the tools to calculate the summary stats presented in the manuscript
**DFR_structural_evolution** - contains the analysis of DFR amino acid subsitution in Plowmania nyctaginoides
**molecular_evolution** - contains the analysis of dN/dS ratios for the flavonoid genes
**pathway_gene_extraction** - contains the pipeline to extract flavonoid genes and merge homologs
**phyloCCA** - contains the phylogenetic Canonical Correlation Analysis of gene expression and pigmentation
**phyloPCA** - contains the phylogenetic Principal Components Analyses of gene expression and pigmentation
**salmon_expression_quantification** - contains the pipeline for quantifying and summarizing flavonoid gene expression
**species_tree_reanalysis** - contains the pipeline to add Fabiana australis into the species tree and ultrametricize the new tree
**SRA_metadata** - contains the metadata for the RNA-seq data uploaded to the SRA (BioProject PRJNA746328)
**stochastic_mapping** - contains the Stochastic Mapping analysis for ancestral state reconstruction of pigmentation
**tanscriptome_assembly_scripts** - contains the scripts used to perform de novo transcriptome assemblies
**transcriptome_assemblies_CDS** - contains the assembled transcriptomic CDS for all 60 species and some corresponding quality statistics