Main content
- Simona Amenta
- Paweł Mandera
- Emmanuel Keuleers
- Marc Brysbaert
- Davide Crepaldi
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Category: Project
Description: This is SUBTLEX-IT, a frequency database for Italian words based on movie subtitles. It is the sister database for Italian of SUBTLEX-UK, SUBTLEX-US, SUBTLEX-CH, SUBTLEX-GR and the several other SUBTLEX databases, a complete list of which is available here, We're not sure this project will ever become a proper paper; it's a pity, we know, especially because we also validated the database against other frequency list for Italian (with both lexical decision and eye tracking data). But life is complicated. So, we put together this repo, where you will find the database itself and a conference abstract where we presented the database and some first analyses.