**Paper Citation:** Sutterer, D. W., & Awh, E. (2015). Retrieval practice enhances the accessibility but not the quality of memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. doi:10.3758/s13423-015-0937-x
[Click her for link to journal website][1]
[1]: http://link.springer.com/10.3758/s13423-015-0937-x
**Usage:** This OSF project contains the data and code from all experiments in Sutterer & Awh (2015). If you would like to use this data in published work, please contact the authors and cite the data.
We analyzed the data in MATLAB, so the data are .mat files and the analysis and task scripts are .m files. To run the scripts, you will need access to MATLAB. To run the task scripts you will also need access to the psychophysics toolbox. I’ve updated the task scripts to run on the most recent version of Matlab (2015b) and Psychophysics Toolbox.
Please see the ReadMe file for a walk through of the posted data and code.
If you have further questions please feel free to contact me. My email address is: sutterer@gmail.com