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![enter image description here][1] Figure: AdriSC climate model The following directory contains all the data, scripts and codes needed to re-run the Adriatic Sea and Coast (AdriSC) climate model in evaluation mode for the 1987-2017 period. The AdriSC modelling suite is based on the hereafter provided COAWST V3.3 coupled atmosphere-ocean model which was compiled with the Intel compiler, the PNetCDF 1.8.0 library and the MPI library (mpich 7.5.3) on the European Centre for Middle-range Forecast’s (ECMWF's) High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF). The work flow package used by all ECMWF operational suites (ecFlow 4.9.0) was used to automatically and efficiently run the AdriSC long-term simulations in a controlled environment. All the scripts developed to run AdriSC under ecFlow are hereafter provided in the preprocessing_scripts sub-directory. Finally, the WRF and ROMS input files and grids as well as the scripts used to format the boundary and river forcing are provided in the Data sub-directory. To execute the following codes, users must first install the COAWST V3.3 model and the ecFlow package on their HPC facility. They should compile the COAWST code under Data/historical-adios/compilation with the coaswt_real.bash script that they should edit with their own paths and compilation options. Then they should change the paths to link to the copied Data folder containing all useful information in all the preprocessing scripts provided. They should also make sure that the head.h file contains all the information to run on their own HPC. Finally, they should prepare the ecFlow suite by running the python scripts, and provided under historical-adios and submit the suites on the ecFlow server by running the python scripts (1) to start the simulation for the warmup period, (2) to run the AdriSC model between January 1987 and November 2017, and (3) to finalize the run till 31th of December 2017. [1]:
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