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There are two different data sets here: 1) **The 14 two-condition data sets as analyzed by the contributors to the article.** These 14 data sets are available as one R-list in "validation_R_data.Rdata" and as separate text-files in the folder "". In this zipped folder there is a subfolder for each of 14 experiments. Within each folder there are 20 textfiles containing the data of one participant each. In these text files, each line represents one trial of the experiment. Variable names in both text and R-data: - **cond** indicates the condition (A or B). - **stim** indicates the type of stimulus (requiring a 1 or a 2 response). - **resp** indicates the response given (1 or 2). - Note that stimulus types 1 and 2 can be interpreted as left and right stimuli and responses 1 and 2 can be interpreted as left and right responses. However, due to recoding that was necessary for creating the data sets, this mapping does not actually hold. - **correct** indicates the correctness of the response (1: correct, 0: incorrect, this is a redundant variable which has value 1 if resp is equal to stim, 0 otherwise). - **rt** indicates the response time on the current trial in seconds. The Rdata file contains an R list object ( with 14 elements; each element contains a data frame with the data of all participants in one experiment. This data frame has the same variables as the text files, plus a participant ID (variable pp). Further, the Rdata file contains precisely the same data as the text files. 2) **The original factorial data set from which the 14 data sets above were drawn.** Available as data frame in raw_factorial_data.Rdata or comma delimited table in raw_factorial_data.csv. Variables in both files: - **pp**: participant nr - **trial**: trial number in the entire experimental session - **block**: the number of the trial block - **block.trial**: trial number within the trial block - **ease**: 1: hard trials, 2: easy trials - **sa**: 1: speed instructions, 2: accuracy instructions - **bias**: direction of eventual manipulated bias: left, right or no bias - **fix.dur**: duration of the presentation of the fixation cross before stimulus - **stim**: direction of the moving dots stimulus - **resp**: button pressed - **correct**: redundant: 1 if stim == resp, 0 otherwise - **rt** response time
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