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## **Crop Growth GIFs** ## ---------- These animations showcase daily vegetation growth and seasonal phenology for major crops in Ohio, Texas, and Florida during 2019 using MODIS Aqua NDVI time series data. The maps reveal distinct cycles and crop development based on the climate and geography of each state. **Ohio** This animation displays the [daily and seasonal growth pattern and phenology for corn in Ohio during 2019][1]. The second Ohio GIF shows the [daily development for soybeans over the 2019 growing season][2]. **Texas** This animation displays the [phenology and daily progression of corn growth across Texas in 2019][3]. The second GIF shows [cotton vegetation development throughout the 2019 growing season in Texas][4]. **Florida** This animation reveals the [daily and seasonal greenness progression and phenology for sugarcane in Florida during 2019][5], showing the vegetation development over time. The second Florida GIF displays the [daily changes in orange crop greenness and growth cycle over the entire 2019][6] growing season based on the state's optimal citrus-growing climate. ## **Crop-Nitrogen Correlation GIFs** ## ---------- These animated maps display the daily evolution of the relationship between soil nitrogen concentrations and vegetation greenness (NDVI) for key crops over the 2019 growing season in Ohio, Texas, and Florida. Positive correlations are observed, indicating links between soil fertility and plant vigor. **Ohio** This animation shows the correlation between [soil nitrogen and NDVI for corn][7] in Ohio. A positive relationship appears, with soil nitrogen supporting corn growth and greenness over the season. The second Ohio GIF displays the correlation between [soil nitrogen and soybeans NDVI][8]. Again a positive correlation is observed. **Texas** This animation shows the [nitrogen-NDVI correlation for corn in Texas][9]. The positive relationship indicates soil nitrogen supports corn growth. The second Texas GIF displays the correlation between [soil nitrogen and cotton NDVI][10]. Soil fertility exhibits a seasonal relationship with cotton growth. **Florida** This animation shows the [relationship between soil nitrogen and vegetation greenness (NDVI) for oranges in Florida in 2019][11]. A positive correlation appears, indicating soil fertility supports orange crop growth over the season. The second GIF displays the [correlation of soil nitrogen concentrations with changes in sugarcane greenness and vigor during 2019][12]. The animation reveals this linkage between nitrogen and crop growth over time. ## **Land Use/Vegetation Classification GIFs** ## ---------- These visualizations showcase daily variations in vegetation density and land cover in Ohio, Texas, and Florida during 2019 using MODIS Aqua NDVI data. The maps characterize geographic and phenological shifts in regional vegetation patterns corresponding to crop growth cycles and seasonal climate conditions. **Ohio** This animation displays changes in [land use classes and vegetation density across Ohio over 2019][13]. Differences can be seen between denser vegetation in agricultural areas vs more sparse grassland and forested regions. **Texas** This GIF shows the shifts in [vegetation patterns across Texas during 2019][14]. Variations are visible across seasons and regions. **Florida** This is the [land use and vegetation density animation for Florida in 2019][15]. It depicts shifts in regional land cover and crop patterns across the state over seasons. Differences can be seen between wetlands, forests, croplands, and other land use types based on the vegetation density changes throughout the year. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: [14]: [15]:
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