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**Data Format:** *STN_recordings.mat* contains a structure array for spike data of 203 single units. - trials - contains trial information including choice, motion coherence (signed and unsigned), whether the trial was correct or not, and reaction time (RT, in msec). - dots/sac – tstart and tend specify the start and ending time corresponding to the matrix “spikes”, relative to dots/sac onset. The matrix “spikes” (#trials x #timebins) specify whether a spike was present in a 1-ms bin. “NaN”s were assigned for timebins that overlap with other task events (e.g., to exclude pre-sac activity for spikes aligned to dots onset or to exclude visual responses to dots onset for spikes aligned to saccade onset). *STN_estim.mat* contains a structure array for 54 electrical microstimulation sessions. - estimTrials – contains trial information including choice, signed motion coherence, whether stimulation was delivered, whether the trial was correct, motion direction, and RT (in msec). - singleUnit – specifies whether single-unit (1) or multi-unit (0) recordings were made before microstimulation began. - units – contains spike data in the same format as STN_recordings.mat - Depth/APML – specify stimulations site locations.
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