- maelExamples.R: R script with examples from paper
- maelSim1.R: Simulation study 1
- maelSim2.R: Old version for simulation study 2 on regular computer
- MAELSTudy2 files: Simulation study 2 on high performance computer cluster
- MAELStudy2auxFunctionsCluster.R: Adjusted/additional functions for study 2 on a high performance computer cluster
- MAELStudy2postprocessCluster.R: R script to combine results from cluster into one data file
- MAELStudy2preprocessCluster.R: R script to create a separate script for each condition, necessary for the cluster
- MAELStudy2resultsData.rds: Datafile with pValues and computation time for each replication (RepName) and each condition (q)
- MAELStudy2resultsTable2.R: R script to read in MAELresultsData.rds and create Table 2 in article