Contains data files for instruments that measure compounds that reside primarily in the gas phase.
**The following posted instrument data files are included in the gas-phase merges (listed as PI/instrument):**
- Abbatt/Acetate CIMS
- DeCarlo/Picarro (G2401 & NH3) (the G2401 is within the 'DeCarlo_HRAMS_20180604_R3.ict' file)
- Farmer/2B Technologies Ozone monitor, bluelight converter NOx system, online GC system, Teledyne SO2, Iodide CIMS
- Goldstein/PTRMS
- Hildebrant-Ruiz/CAPS NO2
- Jimenez/LICOR
- Stevens/LIF-FAGE
**The following posted instrument data files are not included in the gas-phase merges:**
- June 4 PTRMS data. This is included as a separate file, Goldstein-PTRMS-ONLYJUNE4_HOMEChem_20180601_R2.ict. Please reach out to both PTRMS data managers Caleb Arata ( and Allen Goldstein ( for more details.
Note: the Novoselac O3 sensors included in the merge are available in the "House Parameters & Outdoor Met" section under "Novoselac Indoor House Parameters".
Note: The GC ICARTT file (Farmer_GCVOCs_20180605_R0.ict) in the 'Farmer Trace Gas' folder is in Mountain Daylight Time, rather than 'local time' which is Central Daylight Time. Users should add 1 hour to each timestamp in the file.