# Reconsidering the Automaticity of Visual Statistical Learning
Wiki for how the data is organized in the project.
There are four folders associated with this project:
* Analyses
* Data
* Manuscripts
* Stimuli
## Analyses
Contains the scripts which: (a) pull in the raw, anonymized data, (b) process and clean data, (c) analyze data, (d) visualize data.
Old analysis scripts have a year in the title to indicate they are not the current version.
## Data
Contains the raw, anonymized data in Python's .pkl format.
To create a Pandas DataFrame from a .pkl file:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_pickle("pickle_filename.pkl")
.pkl files either have a "DUP" or "NODUP" suffix. <br> "NODUP" indicates that all of the participants have unique condition numbers (i.e. "no duplicates"). <br>"DUP" indicates the duplicate conditions recorded due to the data collection process. The "DUP" data is "held out" of all analyses.
The `ExperimentList-2021.xlsx` file has additional information about each of the experiments included in the overall project. Experiments are listed in chronological order and the file includes some summary statistics about group performance.
## Manuscripts
The original manuscript was submitted in 2019, but additional experiments have since been performed and the updated pre-print will be uploaded into the "2021" directory.
## Stimuli
Most experiments use the "Fractals" stimuli, but our in-lab comparison of performance with an online experiment used the "Shapes" stimuli.