Uploaded here are additional figures referred to as an OSF link in the submitted papers to Frontiers and eLife, as well as the output for all the network simulations done in a separate component.
For figure captions, see the "Captions" page on the Wiki
Overall, they include:
- Voltage output of the 15 chosen cells of each type (PYR cells, BCs, BiCs, AACs) that are used to compute E/I ratios (i.e., ratios of the amplitudes of EPSCs and IPSCs) to allow experimental comparison considerations
- EPSCs and IPSCs for each of the 15 cells as used to compute the E/I ratios.
- Parameter value histograms (a, b, d, klow) of PYR cells from created model database for all of the heterogeneous specifics (i) - NNN, BBB, BBN, BNB, BNN, NBB, NBN, NNB
[2 figure plots as labelled]
- Parameter value histograms (a, b, d, klow) of PYR cells from created model database for 12 of the heterogeneous specifics (ii) - HML, MMH, MML, HMH, HLM, MLH, MLM, LLH, LML, HMM, HLL, LLL
[3 figure plots as labelled]
- Plots for all of the PRCs for all of the different input currents explored. Only one (Iapp=20 pA) is shown in the main text of Frontiers submission (Figure 6), but PRCs for all Iapp values (20,22,24,26,28,30) are uploaded here for completeness.