Microscopy data can come from several modalities, including optical microscopy (OM), transmit electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), coherent Anti-Stoke Raman Spectroscopy (CARS). A tagging convention exists for easy search.
"Authors":"T. Duval, A. Zaimi, J. Cohen-Adad",
"Project":"RatTestNov2015", # Project ID, tag of study, etc.
"DOI":"XXX" # DOI of publication
"Modality":"SEM", # SEM (scanning electron microscope), TEM, OI, CARS
"Pathology":"HC", % HC, MS, EAE
"Structure":"Spinal cord", # Corpus Callossum,
"Region":"Left" % Left, Right, Ventral, Dorsal, Cuneatus
Adult Dog Thoracic
1. Fixation :
- No wash / no perfusion
- Immersion 1 months in PFA 4% at 4°C
2. Staining : Osmium 2% 2H
3. Embedding : EMbed 812 Resin