**Explanation of fork**
Hanah Chapman 11/4/15
In April 2015 we ran a pilot sample of 20 people and encountered some issues:
- ceiling effects in wrongness ratings on the moral anchoring tasks,
- many subject saying that littering is as wrong as genocide
- the
effects of cat beater/girlfriend beater on act/character judgments
were not trending in the same direction as Tannenbaum et al. 2011
As a result, we decided to perform a closer replication of Tannenbaum et al. 2011, Study 1a. The primary change involves switching to comparative ratings of the cat and girlfriend beaters (e.g., who has worse character, John who beat up his girlfriend, or Robert who beat up his girlfriend’s cat?). This allows us to conduct a direct replication of Tannenbaum Study 1a, as well as to test our predictions about disgust and anger.