## Polish Scottish ##
The Polish-Scottish corpus consists of conversational recordings of young people aged 11-15 made in Glasgow. Seven of the speakers were born in Glasgow and 14 of the speakers were born in Poland and subsequently moved to Glasgow.
The corpus was aligned by SPADE using MFA (note therefore that there will be some American/British English mismatches in transcription).
**Number of speakers:** 21, 11F \
**Hours of speech:** Approx 20 \
**Years recorded:** 2015-2016 \
**Data Guardian:** Sadie Ryan \
**Speaker dimensions:** speaker_id, gender, place_of_birth, recording_year, age_range, dialect_1 (Polish-Scottish), dialect_2 (Scottish)i
### Corpus Reference ###
Ryan, S.D. (2018). Language, migration and identity at school: a sociolinguistic study with Polish adolescents in Glasgow. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.