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The pre-registration for this study can be found [here][1]. In the "data" folder we provide: * The data collected for the study, in .csv file format, file name beginning "DS". * A list of variables, their description, and response options, in the .csv file beginning "CODEBOOK". In the "materials" folder: * A supplement containing all the question items in PDF format. * A .qsf (Qualtrics software format) file that can be uploaded directly to Qualtrics to replicate the items exactly. In the "scripts" folder, there are individual analysis scripts (each marked "SCRIPT" for: * _demographics: summarising demographics of the sample * _descriptives: generating descriptive analyses of the data * _correlations: running correlational analyses reported in the manuscript * _regressions: running multiple linear regressions reported in the manuscript * _plots: generating visualisations of the data In the main folder is the analysis script (R markdown) that calls on each of the scripts in the "scripts" folder to produce a full analysis output. See the file beginning "CODE". A rendered HTML output of this script is also provided. [1]:
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