In the Eastern Alps the german community of Vinschgau still performs
a lot of fertility rites. In the Klosen rite diabolic masks catch people with
chains, donkey masks pinch the women and they make an acoustic
paroxysm. In the Pflugziehen rite a plough is conducted ritually along
the streets and the battle of good against evil is performed. In the
Scheibenslagen rite people gather to throw some hoops of fire over the
forest, so they can forecast about seasonal trend. Many authors have
analyzed this method of managing annual time linked to the ancient
seasonal agricultural practice. Man needs to scan time through ceremonial
moments that pertain to the sphere of the sacred. Therefore, the feasts
and rites of the different regions of Europe, as the rite we analyzed,
are an excellent material for understanding the transformations of the
conceptions of the time in contemporary societies.