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## Background ## This project contains code and output related to the manuscript "Understanding EMA Data: A Tutorial on Exploring Item Performance in Ecological Momentary Assessment Data" by Siepe et al. (2024). Instructions on how to download the supplementary files are provided below. As explained in the manuscript, the revised version of the manuscript corresponds to the materials in the folder "Version 1.1.". Please ensure that you download all files in the folder to reproduce the tutorial script. ## Data Structure ## Use the associated .Rproj for easier use of the project structure. The `session_info.txt`file contains information about the OS and package versions. The subfolders contain the following content: ### Data Contains `mock_data.csv` which can be used to better understand our data structure. `data_baseline_mock.csv` contains mock baseline data used in the tutorial script. `relevant_ids_item_performance.csv` contains the numerical IDs of participants used in the manuscript for later reproducibility. ### Figures Contains all figures that are used in the manuscript. See the full report for the code used to create them. ### Manuscript Contains the preprint and the so-called 'full report', in other words, the .html file containing all code (`full-report-item-performance.html`). Please download this file if you want to see our full report. To do so, click on the file, and then click on the three dots on the right of the file name to get to the Download button. Additionally, `item-performance-tutorial.html` contains the tutorial code mentioned in the manuscript. This folder also contains a list of all items used in the manuscript (`item-performance-supplement-item-list.pdf`). ### Scripts Contains the scripts used to analyze the data: - `item-performance-script.Rmd` contains all code used for the manuscript and the full report - `item-performance-tutorial.Rmd` contains tutorial code to reproduce the main figures of the manuscript on mock data. - `aux_funs.R`contains commented auxiliary functions used
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