Contains data files for instruments that measure compounds that reside primarily in the aerosol phase.
**The following posted instrument data files are included in the gas-phase merges (listed as PI/instrument):**
- DeCarlo/HR-AMS, Aethalometer
- Farmer/UHSAS
- Goldstein/SV-TAG (note that the SV-TAG measures semi-volatile compounds and reported concentrations should not be assumed to be purely in the aerosol phase)
- Jimenez/SMPS
- Vance/A11, Aethalometer, APS, SMPS-LDMA, SMPA-NDMA, OPS
**The following posted instrument data files are not included in the gas-phase merges:**
- Farmer/POPS, ACSM (to be uploaded)
- Goldstein/UV-APS, APS
- Hildebrant-Ruiz/FIGAERO-CIMS, ACSM, SEMS (note that the FIGAERO-CIMS reports both aerosol- and gas-phase measuremetns)
- Jimenez/EESI