![enter image description here][1]**Container Strategies for Data & Software Preservation** is a [daspos.org][2] workshop.
**Date:** May 19-20, 2016
**Location:** University of Notre Dame, USA
**Purpose:** Container Strategies for Data & Software Preservation is a two day linux container centric workshop organized by the NSF-funded Data and Software Preservation for Open Science (DASPOS, daspos.org) project, hosted at the University of Notre Dame.
The Workshop features keynote speakers, lightning talks, demonstrations, and hands-on breakouts related to container strategies for software and data preservation that promote open science, science reproducibility and re-use.
The workshop convenes participation and contributions from scientists, students, digital librarians, tool and software developers & system administrators who want to both share their ideas and learn how to better preserve and share software and data with their peers, publishers, and funders.
Participants have the opportunity to learn about how others are using Docker and related container tools like e.g. ReproZip, Umbrella, SmartContainer, NDS Dashboard in environments like the National Data Service, Open Science Framework, government, publisher and institutional repositories.
More information about the workshop can be found here in this osf repository and at [daspos.org][3].
[1]: https://daspos.crc.nd.edu/images/daspos/daspos_banner.png
[2]: https://daspos.crc.nd.edu/
[3]: https://daspos.crc.nd.edu/index.php/workshops/container-strategies-for-data-software-preservation-that-promote-open-science