In this study we examined whether electrical brain stimulation of the prefrontal cortex can change the size of the [attentional blink](
* __Project title__: _Effects of tDCS on the attentional blink revisited: A statistical evaluation of a replication attempt_
* __Project code__: AB-tDCS
* __Authors__: Reteig, L.C., Newman, L.A., Ridderinkhof, K.R., & Slagter, H.A.
* __Affiliation__: Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam
* __Year__: 2021
Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions; find my contact details on [my personal website](
# Resources
__Project website__: <>
__Published paper__: [PLOS ONE](
__Preprint__: [bioRxiv](
__Behavioral data and other resources__: [Open Science Framework (OSF)](
__EEG data__: [OpenNeuro](
__Code__: [GitHub](
# Project setup
## Directory structure
After downloading everything from Github and/or the OSF, your directory structure should look like this (N.B. this is just a sketch; does not include every single file):
│ AB-tDCS.Rproj
| renv.lock
│ │ subject_info.csv
│ │ tDCS_AE.csv
│ │ AB-tDCS_study1.txt
│ │
│ └───S01
│ │ │ AB_S01_1B_pre.txt
│ │ │ AB_S01_1B_tDCS.txt
│ │ │ AB_S01_1B_post.txt
│ │ │ AB_S01_2D_pre.txt
│ │ │ AB_S01_2D_tDCS.txt
│ │ │ AB_S01_2D_post.txt
│ │
│ └───S02
│ │ ...
│ │ AB-tDCS_paper.Rmd
│ │ AB-tDCS_paper_appendix.Rmd
│ │ AB-tDCS.bib
│ │
│ └───figures
│ │ participant_log.csv
│ │ study_protocol.pdf
│ │
│ │
│ └───questionnaires
│ │ .gitignore
│ │ activate.R
│ │ settings.dcf
│ │ _site.yml_
│ │ build_site.R
│ │ footer.html
│ │ header.html
│ │ styles.css
│ │ AB-tDCS_anodal-vs-cathodal.Rmd
│ │ AB-tDCS_change-from-baseline.Rmd
│ │ AB-tDCS_group.Rmd
│ │ AB-tDCS_questionnaires.Rmd
│ │ AB-tDCS_replication-analyses.Rmd
│ │
│ └───func
│ │ │ behavioral_analysis.R
│ │ │ load_data.Rmd
│ │ │
│ └───lib
│ │ appendixCodeFunctionsJeffreys.R
│ │ corr_change_baseline.R
│ AB_tDCS-EEG.exp
│ mainTask.sce
│ practice.sce
## Descriptions
* `AB-tDCS.Rproj`: Config file with options for the R project; also determines top-level folder.
* `renv.lock`: Contains information on all the packages and their versions that were used for this project, and (along with the contents of the `renv/` folder) can be used to recreate the computational environment
N.B. The following folders each have their own `` (GitHub) and/or wiki page (OSF) with more detailed information on their contents.
* `EEG/`: Metadata files and one example subject for an EEG dataset in [BIDS] format associated with this project (see [Resources]).
* `data/`: All the behavioral and metadata collected during this project, as well as the task data from [London & Slagter (2021)](
* `docs/`: Holds the project website's files
* `paper/`: `AB_tDCS_paper.Rmd` is the R Markdown source file for the paper; running it produces the rendered version on this website (`.html`) and the preprint (`.pdf`)
* `records/`: Documentation, logbooks and protocols
* `site/`: Source code for the website; runs the source code in `paper/` and `src/` to produce the website as in `docs/`
* `src/`: All other analysis code used in the project
* `task/`: Code for the experimental task used during data collection
# Reproducibility
1. Make sure you've downloaded all the data and code and that they're placed in the `data`, `src` and `paper` folders (as outlined in the [Directory structure] section). To do so:
- Download or clone the [GitHub]( repository, using the big green "Code" button in the top right.
- From the Open Science Framework, download the contents of the [Data]( and [Records]( (optional) components.
- Download `appendixCodeFunctionsJeffreys.R` per the instructions in `src/README`, and place in `src/lib`.
2. Open the `AB-tDCS.Rproj` file in [RStudio](
3. Run the command `renv::restore()` in the Console to install all the required packages in a separate library for this project.
4. If you're interested in recreating the paper, run the command `tinytex::install_tinytex()` to install a LaTeX distribution, which will enable you to build the pdf.
> Or, if you just want to quickly play around with the code, simply click this link to create a remote RStudio session in your browser with [Binder]( [![Binder](](
> This will already set everything up for you on the server, including all packages (and LaTeX) that the analysis code depends upon.
Then, run the `.Rmd` notebooks in the `src` folder to reproduce the contents under the _Analyses_ tab on the project website. These contain all analyses (and their results) performed for this project.
Run the `paper/AB-tDCS_paper.Rmd` notebook to reproduce all the results, figures and statistics, and the paper as under the _Paper_ tab on the project website, or in the preprint (see [Resources]).
# Licensing
All components of this project are open and under non-restrictive licenses:
* The data are released to the public domain under a [CC0 1.0 Universal license](
* The preprint and other written materials are licensed under a [CC-By Attribution 4.0 International license](
* The code is licensed under the [MIT license](