The promises of open science go beyond our geographical space. Many UU researchers are engaged in collaborative research around the world and researchers from around the world based in UU are doing the same. We also see this in the now ongoing urgent global research around the Covid-19
pandemic. The importance of global collaboration is also reflected In the UU Strategic Vision of 2020-2025, which is gearing towards a global university.
Inspired by this awareness we cannot help but ask ourselves: what role does OS play in these collaborations? What global encounters in OS can we bring home to enrich our journey here at UU? Importantly what is your perspective about this? How can OS contribute to achieving the strategic
goal for a global University?
In this OScoffee session led by Jeroen Bosman, Bianca Kramer and Mary Felix you shall hear from several UU researchers on their interesting experiences on applying OS at a global setting. You will also get to share your perspectives, challenges, successes, foreseeable barriers or potential
networks towards applying OS globally.
[Video: Towards Global Inclusivity in Open Science][1]
[Presentation Mary, Bianca, and Jeroen][2]
[Presentation Niko Wanders][3]