1. Cut acrylic and acetal parts using the associated files in the ``../2D CAD`` repository using CNC machine. We used a laser CNC, which can be found at most public and academic fab labs.
2. Cut and drill wood parts using the file from ``../2D CAD`` repository as a template. We recommend using those files as a printed template, as most laser CNC machines cannot handle cutting plywood of the required 3/4" thickness.
3. Assemble hardware using the illustrated guide:``BuildInstructions.pdf``
4. Wire ODROID, motors, motor controller, camera, and monitor per ``WiringGuide.pdf``
5. Attach spotting scope and adjust digiscoping adapter such that the video stream has has a good view of subject.
6. Follow instructions in: ``SoftwareOperation.pdf`` to operate the LunAero unit.