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This folder contains the experiment files and materials to run the experiment. The test battery was programmed in C/C++ using the Tscope5 library functions, an upgraded version of the original Tscope (Stevens, Lammertyn, Verbruggen, & Vandierendonck, 2006). To run the test battery, you need to downlaod Tscope5 ( Participants were tested during 1 session of approximately 2 hours (including breaks after every block). After having signed the informed consent sheet, participants performed the following experiment, which consisted of: 1. a practice block 2. a pure block (either flanker or Simon, depending on the counterbalancing) 3. another pure block (either Simon or flanker, depending on the counterbalancing) 4. 6 combi blocks 5. a pure block (either flanker or Simon, depending on the counterbalancing) 3. another pure block (either Simon or flanker, depending on the counterbalancing) To start the experiment, the following steps are necessary: 1. Open the file `fsf_gen_neutral.c` with Notepad++ 2. Adapt the screen resolution and refresh rate to your computer: - `display_size_x` - `display_size_y` - `currentrefreshrate` 3. Compile the file (Macro -> Compile Tscope) 4. Run the file (Macro -> Run) Then, you have to enter the following information: 1. `Proband (= participant ID)` 2. `Position` (1 = flanker horizontal and Simon horizontal; position = 2: flanker horizontal and Simon vertical; position = 3: flanker vertical and Simon horizontal; position = 4: flanker vertical and Simon vertical) 3. `Ausbalancierung (= Counterbalancing)` (1 = first pure flanker blocks; 2 = first pure Simon blocks) 4. `Filenr`(see below) 5. `Vl-Initiale (= Experimenter)` 6. `Alter (= Age)` 7. `Geschlecht (= Sex)` (male vs. female) 8. `Haendigkeit (= Handedness)` (left vs. right) With `filenr`, the experiment can be started after the practice block, the flanker pure block, the Simon pure block, or the combi blocks. This depends from the counterbalancing in the following way: - Counterbalancing 1: 1. `filenr = 1`: all blocks 2. `filenr = 2`: pure flanker block, pure Simon block, combi blocks, pure flanker block, pure Simon block 3. `filenr = 3`: pure Simon block, combi blocks, pure flanker block, pure Simon block 4. `filenr = 4`: combi blocks, pure flanker block, pure Simon block 5. `filenr = 5`: pure flanker block, pure Simon block 6. `filenr = 6`: pure Simon block - Counterbalancing 2: 1. `filenr = 1`: all blocks 2. `filenr = 2`: pure Simon block, pure flanker block, combi blocks, pure Simon block, pure flanker block 3. `filenr = 3`: pure flanker block, combi blocks, pure Simon block, pure flanker block 4. `filenr = 4`: combi blocks, pure Simon block, pure flanker block 5. `filenr = 5`: pure Simon block, pure flanker block 6. `filenr = 6`: pure flanker block The subfolder `instructions` include all instructions presented during the experiment. The subfolder `expfiles` include all helper experimentfiles called by the main experimentfile. The data are saved in format `.txt` in each respective folder (for example for the combi condition: `data` -> `combi`). The first time you use a participant ID, this will create the datafile. If you use the same participant ID several times, the data will be written at the end of the already existing datafile. In order that the test battery works properly, please change nothing in the folder structure. To exit the test battery, please press "esc". All materials and instructions are in German.
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