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The files uploaded here include the R analysis script and accompanying data for the confirmatory factor analyses reported in Wilson, A. C., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2021). A novel online assessment of pragmatic and core language skills: An attempt to tease apart language domains in children. Journal of Child Language. **demographics.csv** Includes sex (1=male; 0=female; NA=not reported by teachers) and year group (3 to 8). Year group corresponds to National Curriculum year groups in the UK, with year 3 equating to 7 to 8-year-olds and year 8 to 12 to 13-year-olds. **Grammar.csv** Includes item-level accuracy and total scores on the receptive grammar task. **Implicature.csv** Includes accuracy and response (yes/no/don't know) on all items, and totals scores for implicature and control items. **Inferencing.csv** Includes item-level accuracy and total scores on Children’s Test of Local Textual Inference. **Matrices.csv** Includes item-level accuracy and total scores on the Animal Matrices. **Overtures.csv** Includes item-level accuracy and total scores on the Social Overtures. **Pragviols.csv** In columns item.1 to item.35, we present item-level scores given by participants to the 35 items (from 1 to 7). Then in missing.1 to er.3, we present item-level accuracy; if a participant scored an item with a pragmatic violation among their 21 lowest scores, they received 1 point, if they scored it above this threshold, they received 0 points; if items were tied at the threshold, participants scored 1/number of tied items. Among the item-level accuracy columns (i.e. missing.1 to er.3), we only includes columns for the items contributing to the final test total: 5 items with missing information, 4 items with redundant information, 6 items with topic drift, and 3 unresponsive items included in total scores. In the final column, we present total scores (i.e. sum of columns missing.1 to er.3). **Vocab.csv** Includes item-level accuracy and total scores on the receptive vocabulary task.
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