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Self-administered mindfulness interventions reduce stress in a large, randomized controlled multi-site study /
IRB materials
- Alessandro Sparacio
- Gabriela Jiga-Boy
- Hans IJzerman
- Ivan Ropovik
- Olivia Christiano
- William E. Davis
- Gianni Ribeiro
- mahnoosh allahghadri
- Michael A. Smith
- Charlotte Fransham
- Crystal Jewell
- Kim Lien van der Schans
- Amanda LaBoucane
- Paul Fuglestad
- Dr. Sandra J. Diller
- Christine Ma-Kellams
- Valerie Jaklin
- Samantha Stanley
- Léan V. O’Brien
- Phillip Sean Kavanagh
- Caroline Ng Tseung-Wong
- Maire Ford
- Michael Francis Stephen Baranski
- Jennifer McDonald
- Joahana Segundo
- Kathleen Schmidt
- Catherine Nylin
- Heidi Blocker
- Martin V. Day
- Robert M Ross
- Zachary Wunder
- Bert N Uchino
- William Meese
- Annika Benz
- Jace D Pierce
- Siobhán M. Griffin
- Jessica M Benson
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