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Materials, data and code for the paper titled "Falsifying the Bayesian confidence hypothesis". Here is a guideline to the uploaded files: All_AIC: contains the AIC values for all 32 models for 4 experiments. Control_expt: contains the experiment code and the code for preprocessing and restructure the empirical data from raw .mat files. Also contains the final data for modeling for this experiment (experiment 4 in the main paper). Data: contains the data for modeling for all four experiments and the c and log beta analysis performed on empirical data. Also contained the raw data for experiment 1 and experiment 4. fittingResults: contains the fitting results for 32 models for four experiments. It includes two fits and a selected best model fit for each model. The code for choosing best model fit and organizing the AIC values for all 32 models for each experiment can be found in helperFunctions folder. helperFunctions: folder containing all files necessary for running statistical analysis and plotting the figures in the paper. Model_names_and_orders: list the names and specifications for all 32 models in order. runFitting: the script to run the fitting for all the models. rum_model_difference: the code to run the sum model difference analysis reported in the paper.
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