**Hello everyone!**
This is the Open Science Framework repository for the Tromsø statistics workshop June 7-9.
In this workshop, I want to enable you to perform an analysis of your own linguistic data with R, RStudio, and the tidyverse. You will learn about how to build statistical models with an emphasis on the (generalized) linear model framework, including mixed models. Importantly, you will also learn how to do data analysis in a way that is **open and reproducible**.
I prepared this video for you as a welcome ahead of the workshop. The video walks you through the workshop preparations that are also explained in this repo.
**Preparing for the hands-on sessions**
The hands-on sessions are an integral part of this workshop. You need to have four things ready by the start of the workshop, Monday, June 7.
1. Materials folder
2. R
2. RStudio
3. R packages we use for the workshop
Each will be explained below. If you are an experienced R User, it may still be good to re-install R, RStudio, and the specified R packages to make sure that we're all working with the most up-to-date version.
**Materials folder**
Download the entire 'materials' folder from the [Files tab][1]. Make sure that you have this folder unzipped, and make sure that you know where it is on your computer.
**R installation**
If you haven't installed R yet, you can do so [here][2]. If you're new to R, the following videos on [how to install R on a Mac][3] and [how to install R on PC][4] may be useful to you.
**RStudio installation**
To install the free version of RStudio, go [here][5].
**R packages installation**
Open up RStudio and copy and paste the following lines of code into the "console", which is the big window that should display a blinking "**>**". You need to be connected to the internet while doing this, as the code will instruct R to download the packages from the "Comprehensive R Archive Network" (CRAN). If there's a prompt that asks you to select a server, select any server, ideally one that's reasonably close to you.
If you're new to installing R packages, don't be frightened by a ton of different very obscure messages occurring in red font.
The one package we **desperately need** for the entire workshop is the **tidyverse** package. So it would be good to check that the installation has worked, which you can do by copy and pasting the following into the R console:
How do you know that it worked? It should look something [like this screenshot][6] (details like the package version numbers may vary, that's OK).
**Windows users**
If you're new to R/RStudio and a Windows user, you *may* have to install RTools separately from R. You can download RTools here:
**Homework preparation**
There will be lots of hands-on practice in the workshop. That said, I **highly recommend** that you finish the modules 1 to 9 of the "R programming" introduction by [swirl][8]. If you are pressed on time 1-4 are the most important, and next most important are 1-7. Don't do anything after 9 — it's useless!
**Loading in datasets**
My experience of teaching stats workshops has shown me that one can lose an incredible amount of time trying to get everybody in the room to load in the data.
Everything will be much smoother if you try loading in a few of the files in the "data" folder. We don't want to loose too much time during the workshop on this, so getting used to this process will be very helpful.
If you are new to R and have newer loaded in any data, please [watch this video](https://appliedstatisticsforlinguists.org/data_loading.mp4) — perhaps best after completing the first few swirl modules.
**Readings & Further study**
Other than following the above instructions, there is no need to prepare with readings etc. At the end of the workshop, I will give you reading recommendations and ideas for further study.
[1]: https://osf.io/xprq7/files/
[2]: https://cran.rstudio.com/
[3]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icawuhf0Yqo&feature=youtu.be
[4]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfGFv-iB724&feature=youtu.be
[5]: https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/
[6]: http://appliedstatisticsforlinguists.org/tidyverse_ok.png
[7]: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/
[8]: https://swirlstats.com/