A purpose of peer review in academia is to provide feedback to make scholarly work as strong as possible. It's not always easy to know what makes for "good feedback." High quality peer review feedback should be specific to the piece of work and the requirements for that piece of work, should focus on improvements that the author is able to make (and include some guidance on how to make those improvements), and should be focused on growth and improvement rather than judgement.
To help reviewers generate feedback that is consistent with best practices for providing feedback, this resource provides sentence starters for reviewers. These are prompts to support reviewers in identifying common considerations for academic work. Reviewers can then tailor details to meet the specific requirements for work being reviewed.
You can use this resource by accessing it from the URL where you are at currently. You can also click "embed" on the bottom corner of this box, and paste the HTML embed code into a webpage of your choosing.
Importantly, academic work varies broadly, and there are important considerations not addressed by the prompts below. We encourage instructors to clone this resource to update prompts as relevant for their specific contexts. You can also click "reuse" on this box which will allow you to download this resource, and edit it within H5P to suit your needs.
ACCESS THE RESOURCE HERE: https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/content/51783
Please cite this resource as Burrows, H. M. R.,Caplan, N. A., Cohen, T., Coppolino, S. J., Grant, S. E., Nusselder, F., Pallis, P., Prowse, M. J., Sonoda, K. L., Star, R., & Norris, M. E. (2023). Peer Review Prompts. Queen's University, Kingston, ON: eCampus Ontario. Accessed via https://osf.io/xk469/