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This is a repository containing code and data published in the manuscript "Moral judgements of fairness-related actions are flexibly updated to account for contextual information" by Milan Andrejević, Daniel Feuerriegel, William Turner, Simon Laham, and Stefan Bode, published in Scientific Reports: This repository has been prepared by Milan Andrejevic. The manuscript is also available on a preprint server: The repository contains the following information: - Supplementary Materials.pdf file containing: - Table S1 - showing relationships between judgment patterns - Instruction Materials including the cover story, and the comprehension test - Analyses folder containing: - analyses.R script which performs all the analyses reported in the manuscript - Data folder containing: - taskData.csv - the raw judgement data for all the trials across all participants which serves as an input to the analyses.R script. - pcScores.csv - the principle component scores extracted in the analyses.R script. Article citation: Andrejević, M., Feuerriegel, D., Turner, W., Laham, S., & Bode, S. (2020). Moral judgements of fairness-related actions are flexibly updated to account for contextual information. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 17828.
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