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UPDATE (31 December 2023): Linked other translations of the video game demand scale to this project, for ease of navigation.
UPDATE (17 September 2022): A cleaner version of the Video Game Demand Scale Word.docx has been updated for use.
UPDATE (18 August 2018): We corrected Joseph Wasserman to Joe A. Wasserman, on the pre-print title page.
UPDATE (19 February 2018), in my haste to update files in our project folder, I did not realize that there was a "version" option (rather than a delete and reload). Apologies in advance for any confusion that this might have caused.
These data supplement Chapter 13 of the upcoming book "Video games: A medium that demands our attention" being published by Routledge (2018). The book is the latest entry in their Electronic Media Research series.
Chapter 13 presents a validated Video Game Demand Scale. The chapter abstract:
One of most unique elements of video games often attributed to their critical and economic success is their activity—the requirement of video games to actively engage the player into the on-screen actions of the digital world. Scholars have focused on interactivity as a core variable to understand a variety of uses and effects of gaming, but conceptualizations vary and are often non-specific. This chapter proposes a multidimensional construct of interactivity based around the notion of demand (the extent to which a video game requires or “makes” a player engage), specifying potential cognitive, emotional, social, and physical demands common to video games. A Video Game Demand Scale is validated on a sample of gamers (N = 660) that uncovers latent factors associated with each of these dimensions of demand (also bifurcating physical into device and exertion dimensions). Exploratory structural equation modeling is used to demonstrate predictive, concurrent, and convergent validity with other variables critical to understanding the experience of video game play.
NOTE: The manuscript (Chapter 13) that this work is based on is under copyright protection and thus, cannot be shared. We encourage you to contact the first author, Nick Bowman ( for access to that writing, or to secure a copy of the book from Routledge.
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