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To replicate the analysis published in Woodhead et al (2018), these scripts should be run as follows: 1. **WSLG_Analysis.R**: Run this script first to analyse the raw fTCD data and calculate laterality indices. The output is saved in WSLG_AnalysisData.csv 2. **WSLG_ListBaseline_Analysis.R**: Run this script to calculate alternative laterality indices using the list generation task as a baseline 3. **WSLG_POImean_Analysis.R**: Run this script to calculate alternative laterality indices using the mean (rather than the peak) of the left minus right cerebral blood flow volume within the period of interest. 4. **holly_analysis.Rmd**: Run this markdown script to perform all of the subsequent statistical analyses reported in the paper. N.B. **WSLG_Analysis_INCORRECT.R** is the original version of the analysis script containing an error. The error was corrected in February 2020.
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