This repository contains materials associated with "Perceptual learning of multiple talkers: Determinants, characteristics, and limitations," in press at *Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics*.
The "Preregistration" zipped folder contains four files:
- exp2_PC.goodSubj.noFB.csv
- exp2_PC.goodSubj.wFB.csv
- PACT-Preregistration.docx
- PACT-Preregistration.R
The script (PACT-Preregistration.R) will execute the power analyses reported in the preregistration document (PACT-Preregistration.pdf), and calls two data files (exp2_PC.goodSubj.noFB.csv, exp2_PC.goodSubj.wFB.csv) to do so.
The "Stimuli" zipped folder contains all auditory stimuli used in these experiments.
Here's a description of the other files in this repository; the analysis script (PACT.R) calls the other files listed in the table below.
| File | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
|PACT.R |Analysis script |
|PACT-01.csv |Trial-level data for experiment 1 |
|PACT-02.csv |Trial-level data for experiment 2 |
|PACT-03.csv |Trial-level data for experiment 3 |
|PACT-04.csv |Trial-level data for experiment 4 |
|PACT-05.csv |Trial-level data for experiment 5 |
|PACT-06.csv |Trial-level data for experiment 6 |
|E1.acoustics.csv |Acoustic measurements for exposure stimuli used in experiments 1 and 2 |
|E3.acoustics.csv |Acoustic measurements for exposure stimuli used in experiment 3 |
|E4.acoustics.csv |Acoustic measurements for exposure stimuli used in experiments 4 and 5 |
|E6.acoustics.csv |Acoustic measurements for exposure stimuli used in experiment 6 |
|Ex.acoustics.csv |Acoustic measurements for test stimuli |
|Beta-Comparisons.csv |Effect size measures used to generate Figure 5 |
|PACT-Manuscript.pdf |Preprint |
The script is heavily annotated to promote reproducibility, but don't hesitate to reach out with questions (