Here we share R scripts, which might turn out useful for working with the database.
So far, to the best of our knowledge, there is no stable R package allowing loading files directly from the OSF (if such a a solution appears, we will do our best to implement it here). Thus, to start, you need to download the data files and R scripts manually and place them in the working directory.
As we predict the development of the database, we decided to share each contribution as a separate datafile. Thus at the beginning you should use the *AMAS_merging* script to create a single dataframe with considering all available datasets. It will also create the variable which is a unique identifier for each participant. Additionally it calculates AMAS total score as well as AMAS Learning and AMAS Testing subscales.
Also allows saving the resulting database in the single file.
The following scripts are meant to provide basic data description, psychometric characteristics of AMAS, as well as exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. They also allow producing norms
The *AMAS_description_and_evaluation* script allows basic desription of the data, and provides basic psychometric evaluation of AMAS.
The *AMAS_factors* script allows conducting exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.
The *AMAS_norms* script allows calculating percentile and standard norms for the AMAS.